Birth is safer
when we are
seen, heard,
and valued.
Illustration of a pregnant woman wearing a blue shirt and a pink headwrap
Seven women standing together on a sidewalk, looking at the camera and smiling. Kimberly, in the middle, is wearing a "Believe Black Women" t-shirt.BELIEVE in Alabama

Building Equitable Linkages with Interprofessional Education Valuing Everyone

We BELIEVE safe, respectful, and equitable care for birthing people begins with well-trained, respectful, and safe healthcare teams and healthcare systems.

NEW! Read our latest e-newsletter on Black maternal health here.

The BELIEVE team believes that safe, respectful, and equitable care for pregnant people begins with well-trained, respectful, and safe healthcare teams and healthcare systems. We all matter, and we should all be safe, respected, and valued.

Compared to other wealthy countries in the world, the United States is dangerous place to give birth to a child. Black women in the United States die at a higher rate compared to more than 100 countries worldwide. We are developing an interprofessional education (IPE) curriculum to help healthcare workers build teams that values health for all birthing people and for healthcare professionals. Our work is based in a groundwater approach to maternity care. This means that we are working to improve systemic and structural causes of maternal and fetal mortality. Our work focuses on building genuine trust between healthcare team members and patients. But before we can build trust, we must make pregnancy and birth safe and make sure that birthing people and birth workers can thrive.

Read more about the project here.

NEW BELIEVE Birth Series

The ‘BELIEVE Birth Innovation Conversations’ video and podcast series aims to inspire change in maternal healthcare and communities. New episodes released weekly, so be sure you’re subscribed to our email list and YouTube and are following us on Instagram.